Covid -19

Hey everyone,

I hope you guys are all safe from the corona-virus that is affecting world today.

We would like to start off by saying a BIG "Thank You" to all our fans/customers who have liked our Facebook page and/or have ordered from us.

Thank you for your support, your passion for this game and your understanding. This pandemic have slowed down our delivery time by a lot and we are very grateful that most of our customers have been more than patient to wait for their orders to arrive. We like to sincerely apologize for this delay, but unfortunately this is something out of our control. 

Things we cannot control:

1) Air Parcel Flights - which is still backed up and limited at the moment (due to the virus)

2) Customs - which is extremely strict right now in the United States and Australia. Some orders were held there for a very long time (2 to 4 weeks) until they were released to the local post office for delivery.

3) Local Post Office - some local post office can only allow limited staff members to work (social distancing) so many parcels have been delayed due to this issue as well. Less people = less things delivered everyday so that is a bummer for everyone.

Even though everything seems down and out, we will still try to give you the best service possible. I, myself is trying to look on the bright side of things.

3 things that I am truly thankful for are:

1) Family - all my family members are safe and have not been in contact with someone who have this virus so I am happy and relieved about this.  We spend most of our time at home now and it made me realize that even when the world is on a hiatus, family is always by your side to support and care for you. I hope everyone who is reading this blog shares the same experience that I have and if not, I wish your family member and love ones a speedy and full recovery. 

2) Internet - Not sure where to begin with this one, but I am sure glad that the internet was invented because at a time like this, the internet is still connecting people together via social media and various type of platforms. It updates us on the current situation and informs us what and what not to do during a crisis like this. The internet have allowed me to work from home which is awesome because I get to spend more time with my family.

3) More stock in our North America warehouse - We are very excited to announce that we will have new products coming soon and it will be here (Toronto, Canada) soon! We noticed many Tabletop RPG players or DMs really liked our Sprinkle Doughnuts Metal Dice Set as will as our Dragon Scale Metal Dice Sets so we have ordered more of those sets to be stored in our warehouse here in Toronto to make our delivery faster than before. Also, we are looking to start making videos on our YouTube channel so as players, you guys can have a better perspective of how our products look like. Feel free to give us any feedback and/or comments so we know what to improve on!

Once again, thank you guys so much for being patient with us during this Pandemic.
We hope to make up for the late delivery time once we get our new products here.

Thank you for the read and please stay safe everyone!

-BigRollerDice Out

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